“Generosity consists of not the sum given, but the manner in which it is bestowed” M.K. Gandhi
So true! It is the selfless and non-judgemental giving of many many donors in our history that has brought Diya to where we are today. To all our donors – family, friends, acquaintances – both individuals and Corporates – who discovered in Pablo Picasso’s words “the meaning of life is to find your gift and the purpose of life is to give it away” Thank you. Thank you for your gift of time, professional services, funding support, spiritual support. Without you we couldn’t have made it this far.
We would like to acknowledge our Corporate Donors over the years 3M Limited, Bloom Energy, Infogain India Pvt Ltd., International Trimmings and Labels in the past; Currently, Deloitte, CGI Information Systems and Management Consultants Pvt Ltd, Thoughtworks Technologies India Pvt Ltd, CISCO, PAYPAL, GROUPON. Their support with CSR funding not only helped our program’s sustainability but also supported us in bringing in a lot of professionalism in terms of monitoring impact.
Our special thanks also go out to donors like OPUS, ChungWah , The Cecilian Choir, The Bangalore Chorus, The Raghuram Memorial Fund, our donors with Give India Foundation and Concern India Foundation who have supported us and helped us in creating awareness about our work.
Changing mindsets of Corporate Employers with regard to includability in work culture and work space has contributed to an increase in Corporates opening their doors and looking at creating work opportunities for persons with intellectual challenges. We would like to acknowledge our partners:
We would like to acknowledge White Board https://www.ivolunteer.in/Whiteboard
for supporting us in an advisory capacity about Board Governance and capacity building of Senior Management.
We would also like to acknowledge our partnership with Mission 1000 and Enable India https://www.enableacademy.org/Mission1000/#:~:text=Mission%201000&text=The%20candidates%20could%20choose%20from,caf%C3%A9%20management%20and%20car%20washing.
Their support in the space of sensitization, training and creating employment opportunities for adults with intellectual challenges has made a great contribution to changing mindsets of all stakeholders regarding the work potential of adults with intellectual challenges.